At Greenside Primary School, our staff is the backbone of our thriving community, working together to create a warm, welcoming, and supportive environment for our students. Each member of our team, from administrative professionals to support staff, is dedicated to ensuring the smooth operation of our school and the well-being of every child. With a shared commitment to excellence, our staff members collaborate closely to provide a safe, nurturing space where students can grow, learn, and achieve their full potential.
Acting Deputy Principal
DH - Grade 4 & 5
DH - Foundation Phase
Acting DH - Grade 6 & 7
Principal's Secretary
Financial Clerk
Admin Assistant
Admin Assistant
IT Specialist and Teacher
PE Teacher
Remedial Teacher
IsiZulu Teacher
Grade 6 & 7 Teacher
IsiZulu Teacher
Grade 00 Teacher
Grade R Teacher
Pre-school Support Staff
Grade 1S
Grade 1T
Grade 1H
Grade 2D
Grade 2J
Grade 2M
Grade 3B
Grade 3M
Grade 3P
Grade 4N
Grade 4J
Grade 4S
Grade 5H
Grade 5K
Grade 5O
Grade 6D
Grade 6S
Grade 6W
Grade 7D
Grade 7M
Grade 7S
General Assistant
General Assistant
General Assistant
General Assistant
General Assistant
Security Guard
General Assistant
General Assistant